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7 Best Front End Developer Courses Free For Beginners

Developers are the backbone of every strong brand website; with them, moving ahead is easier. Therefore, if you want to learn the art of coding and implement it on client’s websites, you’re in the right place. As here in this article, I’m sharing one of my top picks for the best frontend development course.

Front-end development is as crucial as other online skills. A developer remains all-time in demand by clients for new and existing projects. Whether adding new features to sites or removing unnecessary categories from the menu bar, a developer is the master of all.

Looking to enhance your skills? Explore top front-end development courses and web development training programs. Learn front-end coding online through the best web development courses and front-end programming tutorials. Elevate your expertise with comprehensive front-end design courses. Dive into the world of coding with confidence!

Is Web Development Hard to Learn?

Not at all.

You don’t need a Ph.D. in computer science to get going. Don’t even need to have prior experience in it. All you need is the drive and enthusiasm and the right course to guide you through the basics, step by step.

Many individuals start with high-end web languages like Angular, Bootstrap, and React. Unfortunately, they are stuck when they have to debug any app or website due to unclear fundamentals.

If you’re eager to master web development, explore HTML, CSS, and JavaScript courses. Dive into interactive web design and UI development classes for hands-on experience. Elevate your skills with responsive web design training, earning front-end development certifications. Consider online coding boot camps for comprehensive web development skills training.

Most of the time, they need assistance to move further. As an expert advises, if you don’t want to be in the same position, it’s better to grow from the rock bottom level.

Is it worth pursuing?

A question may pop up in your mind before learning web development. As of 2023, we have the latest version of AI tools, and automation is everywhere.

Why invest my time in learning these skills?

The answer is simple and verifies the logic.

Clients still want the work to be done by creative freelancers, no matter whether they use AI or manual work. Their main goal is to get things done by professionals. This means there is no shortage of work nor less work by clients.

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of web development? Dive into front-end coding schools to master JavaScript frameworks. Elevate your skills with UI/UX design and mobile app design courses. Explore full-stack development courses, making web development for beginners a breeze. Unleash your creativity and build a solid foundation for a rewarding tech career.

Found in a win-win situation?

That’s great.

Finding the right course can be tricky since the sea of courses may drown you. With proper training, a developer can save brands by slowing down the business.

That’s why I mentioned the nitty and gritty of front-end development. So you don’t miss out on any piece of research and knowledge.

Basics of Front-End Development

So, you’re passionate about understanding the world of front-end development?


You want to design a website and create similar ones.

That’s how you move further. I know how overwhelming it can be. But probably wondering, Where do I even start? Stop stressing; you’re in the right place. Before you start your development muscles and get lost in complex algorithms, you have to start with the ABCs.

It’s about raw HTML, classic CSS, and JavaScript—which you can call bread, butter, and jam in the world of front end.

Let’s explore the basic structuring of clickable elements with animations and how it works.

  • HTML

Think of HTML as the skeleton of a website. It’s what gives your website structure—where the text goes, where the images sit, and where the buttons get placed. It’s like building blocks but for web pages.

So, while looking at a webpage, you’re looking at HTML in the back.

  • CSS

Now, if HTML is the skeleton, Cascading Style Sheet is the wardrobe and makeup artist. It takes that boring, plain skeleton and makes it look snazzy.

Want a blue background?

Need the text to be a bit bigger? CSS again.

It’s all about making things look good.

  • JavaScript

Alright, you’ve got your dressed-up skeleton; what now?

You want it to dance, right?

Try JavaScript. It makes your website interactive.

So when you click a button and a form pops up, or you see a real-time countdown to some epic sale, that’s JavaScript doing its thing.

Top 7 Best Front-End Developer Courses to Learn in 2023

It’s time to jump to course review so you can start the journey. As I’ve reviewed and critically analyzed these courses, my review is unbiased and supported by facts and actual data.

Embark on a learning journey with the Best Front End Developer Course and Best Artificial Intelligence Course. Uncover the similarities as both courses prioritize hands-on experience, fostering a dynamic skill set. Grateful for the knowledge gained.

So, you can take any of them that suits your current development goals.

1. HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

At a Glance:

  • Ratings: 4.7 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 15,632+
  • Shareable certificate: Yes
  • Language: English, 10+ Subtitles
  • Instructor Name: Yaakov Chaikin
  • Number of enrolled students: 991,080+

First of all, this course is an incredible choice for beginners to start their front-end development journey. With its five basic modules, a student will learn all about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in detail. If you have never written a course, don’t worry. The instructor will teach you how to convert a notepad document to a live webpage!

Sounds interesting!

Yes, it is, you’ll be happy after writing your first



    Hello World!



This is just the beginning; deeper knowledge will emerge as the courses go on. While I guarantee you’ll be able to replicate designs like Amazon and Walmart online stores manually.

Feeling confident from now on, wait a second.

The instructor is Yaakov Chaikin, a Computer Science Graduate from Johns Hopkins University. Meanwhile, both his courses are top-rated on Coursera. So, he teaches everything he implements on his own.

This course is touching almost a million students. That’s a lot for online training to showcase its credibility. It means you can be lucky to join the next batch of developers. A rating over 4.7 means students learn and earn in real time from the content.

On the other hand, are you confused about its content coverage time?

Suppose you invest up to 13 hours each week, which is 1.8 hours daily. Within the next three weeks, the course syllabus will be completed at this pace. Meanwhile, depending on the current schedule, you can take more time. Yet, this one is recommended by the platform for anyone’s ease.

Furthermore, if you’re a student or unable to pay the fee for this course, I have good news for you; since financial aid is available for this masterclass, a student can easily apply for it (Terms & Conditions Apply).

Or need help understanding English? With more than 10+ Subtitles, including German, Russian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazilian), English, Italian, French, Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian. Anyone non-native can consider it and start learning today. Similar to Coursera courses, you can scan its whole syllabus easily. Yet, to enroll in it, you have to register first.


2. Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS

At a Glance:

  • Ratings: 4.6 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 14,407+
  • Best for: Beginner level
  • Shareable certificate: Yes
  • Language: English, 10+ Subtitles
  • Content-Length: 33 hours (approx)
  • Number of enrolled students: 549,612+


If you’ve been scrolling endlessly through online courses and getting nowhere, don’t worry. This course, my friends, is here for you. With an amazing 550k students who have already enrolled in it. Along with a stellar 4.6-star rating based on 14k reviews. You have the right to ask yourself, why am I not part of this half-million-strong club yet?

Well, there is still time to be the part.

Now, there might be head nodders saying: Can I learn in just 33 hours?

For them. Listen, Rome wasn’t built in a day, but a ton of prep work was probably done in 33 hours. It’s all about setting your pace and sticking to it; with a well-structured course as well, you’re in a good system.

Curious about the course content?

Duke University offers this course and will teach learners how to make a structure using HTML with body text, images, hyperlinks, and bullet points. Understand using CSS to add IDs and classes to make it more fancy. Lastly, add custom buttons that allow onChange when tapped with the help of Javascript.

Therefore, it’s more than just videos. With 11 quizzes and five assessments embedded throughout, you’re in for a genuinely interactive experience.

You’re not just passively absorbing information but also testing new skills as learning. These quizzes are your mini-bosses, and those assessments are the showdowns in each module. Conquer them, and you’ll feel like a champion.

But let’s not forget the cherry on top—a shareable LinkedIn certificate that you can flash around like an exclusive club membership card. So, next time a boy visits your profile, find him out or reach out if he’s an employer.

Maybe he’s looking for passionate developers, and you got his attention by showing the certificate. Don’t underestimate the power of this digital piece of paper; it can open many doors in your professional journey.

3. The Web Developer Bootcamp 2023

At a Glance:

  • Ratings: 4.7 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 263,468+
  • Best for: Beginner level
  • Shareable Certificate: Yes
  • Language: English, 13+ Subtitles
  • Content-Length: 74 hours (approx)
  • Number of enrolled students: 879,124+

Bootcamps are very famous in the online course industry. Many students start their learning in their free time or during summer vacations. That’s why boot camps sound similar to vacation-like things.

Yet, it’s just a compliment from my side. Anyone willing to learn development can set their personal goals to accomplish.

However, if I talk about its content length, it is more than enough, like a giant bulky bodybuilder.

How much?

You may be shocked as the video tutorials have a duration of 73.5 hours. It means if you keep watching it for three days, then it will be complete. Just kidding, it’s an impossible task to do.

For instance, by setting a pace of 1.5 hours of daily learning, you’ll complete it within 40-50 days. That’s just about consuming, not practicing, and going through trial and error.

You’ll learn everything from basic HTML5 and CSS3 to more advanced topics like modern JavaScript syntax & asynchronous programming. But it doesn’t stop there; you’ll also cover frameworks and libraries like Bootstrap and ReactJS.

Plus, with backend topics including NodeJS and database management. You’ll even tackle authentication and security measures. So, not only will you grasp the basics, but you’ll also become a pro industry’s most in-demand skills.

On the other hand, the author’s credibility is above all. He has a strong portfolio of over 1.5 million students with just 27 courses. The numbers are insane and can attract anyone to add this course as a top priority.

In this master boot camp, you’ll learn:

  • Learn HTML5, CSS3, and current JavaScript
  • Build real web apps
  • Design user-friendly layouts
  • Prevent security risks
  • Ongoing skill development
  • Create a blog with Node and MongoDB
  • Develop a Yelp-like app
  • Deploy apps and use cloud databases
  • Make portfolio sites
  • Google code solutions effectively
  • Create validated HTML forms
  • Implement full authentication

I guarantee any student who follows this course religiously will be ready for the job market. He or she can quote their desired salary to the employer. So, this web developer boot camp is for starting developers like you.


4. The Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery

At a Glance

  • Ratings: 4.6 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 62,440+
  • Best for: Beginner level
  • Shareable certificate: Yes
  • Language: English, 8+ Subtitles
  • Instructor Name: Andrei Neagoie
  • Content-Length: 37.5 hours (approx)
  • Number of enrolled students: 215,327+

I added Andrei Neagoie’s Web Mastery course on the second number. Although it’s 4th in sequence, but the 2nd of Udemy Courses. The instructor is the founder of Zerotomastery, to teaches the beginner from scratch to the pro level. Anyone who’s stepping into the world of coding can take his course in web development.

Many students recently completed this amazing course. Yet, it offered so much more than initially expected. It provided 37.5 hours of on-demand video, both informative and hooking.

On top of that, the course came with a hands-on coding exercise. Therefore, you’ll not have to memorize anything but to implement it. We never forget the things we do by hand practically. 

Since this course is more than front-end focused, you’ll dig deep into backend technologies like NodeJS, SQL, and PostgreSQL, which are pivotal for creating scalable full-stack applications. User authentication is included; you’ll grasp how to implement it from scratch.

All in all, it’s an all-in-one guide to becoming a pro in web development. It will equip you to code a complex image recognition app like Google Lens. At this stage, performing these kinds of tasks will be a great achievement. So, when a client approaches, you’ll have many impressive apps to show and win the jobs.

Completing the course also earned me a certificate; yours is still pending. Therefore, if you’re serious about web development, this course should be on your cart.

Still trying to figure it out?

Go and check the coding demo on the course page. Also, don’t miss to skim the course table of contents. You’ll be amazed by the instructor’s effort. Wish you a happy coding journey!


5. The Complete Front-End Web Development Course

At a Glance

  • Ratings: 4.3 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 13,795+
  • Best for: Beginner level
  • Shareable certificate: Yes
  • Language & Subtitles: English
  • Content-Length: 17 hours (approx)
  • Number of enrolled students: 426,112+
  • Instructors Name: Joseph Delgadillo & Nick Germaine

Another Udemy course from Joseph Delgadillo (Best Selling) instructor and 65-level programmer Nick Germaine. Both made this masterpiece by putting two brains in 1 course. The course structure is designed to act as a finger-holding kid learning to walk. You can expect the same from it.

If I discuss the content, it includes 14 sections divided into 126 lectures describing everything. So, the whole tutorial length is about 17 hours.

One of the highlights is its three main coding projects.

You’ll Discover:

  • Make a Pip Boy Game using Bootstrap
  • Develop and share a Chrome extension
  • Create a basic website with HTML text
  • Design web pages with the help of CSS
  • Code interactive websites using JavaScript

First, it will teach how to create a simple website with text and maintain a decent structure. Also, you’ll learn how to add different sections. Then, CSS will welcome you and tell you how to add a color spice to the pre-made elements. After applying the typography, text color, and customization, the site will change its overall look.

Meanwhile, these are the normal tasks in the development process. You may ask what’s the extra in it. So, at the end of the course, you can build a Chrome extension and publish it on the Chrome Web Store.

Sounds exciting!

Yeah, it is!

Similarly, you’ll get a chance to build a Pip-Boy inspired by the Fallout series. Using the skills you’ve picked up in the CSS and Bootstrap segments. It allows you to put together this iconic device in a digital format. This hands-on project is not just a practice session but a fun task as well.

Lastly, you can convert creative ideas to extensions and make browsing easier for others. There are many extensions which get so much popularity, and now it’s a must-have for users. Such as Grammarly, LightShot, ToDoist & AdBlock, etc


6. Complete Web Design: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Vue, Git

At a Glance

  • Ratings: 4.6 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 6,434+
  • Best for: Beginner level
  • Shareable certificate: Yes
  • Language: English, 2+ Subtitles
  • Content-Length: 32 hours (approx)
  • Number of enrolled students: 21,717+
  • Instructors Name: Ivan Lourenço Gomes

Before I move to the next course, the last one, let’s discuss the second. It is a 6 in 1 course covering the most famous front-end programming languages. Going from the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, you’ll build coding muscles of jQuery, Vue, and Git.

As the instructor is a top-rated programming teacher, you can feel confident to be in good hands. Alongside structuring web pages, you’ll get the skill of putting your website online with a brief explanation of hosting and domain setup. You can install the Wordpress-like CMS and test with custom changes.

But why invest in hosting at the start?

You may wonder.

Don’t worry; the instructor shares a free hosting method. So, configure FTP and set a custom domain like .com or .co. More or less, this course will motivate you to launch your website, either a blog or something creative.

On the GitHub side, you’ll go from beginner to advanced. The course teaches command line basics, introduces you to VS Code, and even dives into complex workflows. Same as, you won’t just master Vue.js but also gain invaluable GitHub skills, which is dual expertise and is a solid investment for any aspiring developer.


7. Complete Responsive Web Development: 4 courses in 1

At a Glance

  • Ratings: 4.3 ⭐
  • No Reviews: 2,913+
  • Best for: Beginner level
  • Shareable certificate: Yes
  • Language & Subtitles: English
  • Content-Length: 6 hours (approx)
  • Number of enrolled students: 253,289+
  • Instructors Name: Creative Online School

The last course of our list is complete responsive web development. It is ideal for quick learners who don’t have time to consume long hours of tutorials. Meanwhile, entry-level learners will grasp the knowledge within no time. In case you invest an hour a day before the end of the week, your course is completed. After that, you can apply for its certification.

However, the most benefits you’ll reap once you implement that knowledge and streamline coding. Mainly, this course focuses on HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap and jQuery. And these three are the backbone of front-end development.

Yet the six-hour content is divided into four sections and 79 lectures. So, it’s up to the learner to take all sections at once. Or go individually; within four sittings, all tutorials will be covered.

Moreover, at the end of the course, the instructor will share some tips, tricks, and personal thoughts. These will help you to rise as a front-end developer. Lastly, since this course is only available in English language and captions. The non-natives may find it hard, not those fluent in a universal language.



Wrapping up all will allow me to take a deep breath and conclude the above content as you’ve gone through the top 2 Coursera and 7 Udemy courses. All of them are added after critical evaluation and experience. Many students want to learn front-end development in 2023. The resources available today are much more advanced and helpful for newbies. Want my final verdict?

I can share my recommendation based on the data. Those who want full coverage and have time to learn should go for the Web Developer Bootcamp 2023. It covers all the nitty-gritty of the front end.

In contrast, those who have a short time want to taste the development meal. Go for Complete Responsive Web Development (4 courses in 1). It’s only 6 hours long and the shortest on our list. You can also consider other options because I have no idea of your current skill set and other factors.

Good luck, and keep learning!

Fernando Sand

Fernando Sand is a seasoned writer and career consultant at CoursePendent.com, a premier platform offering guidance in the pursuit of diverse courses and professional pathways. Fernando's career journey began in the bustling city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he honed his skills in journalism, copywriting, blogging and communication. His passion for education and career development combined with his writing prowess led him to a unique vocation: elucidating the complexities of academic pursuits, career and courses recommendations to empower individuals around the globe.

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